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Mini Monday: SweetAlyssumDolls

Natural Kids: Mini Monday: SweetAlyssumDolls

Monday, April 13, 2009

Mini Monday: SweetAlyssumDolls

A bit about Mary, one of our newest team members!

My name is Mary and I am a dollmaker of Waldorf style soft dolls and toys.

As a little child, I first experienced the joy and satisfaction found in creating....whether whimsical or practical 'things' by observing and learning from my grandmother and mother. THEY managed to sew, paint, knit, crochet... anything and everything....all at lightning speed-all the while- carrying on a conversation, keeping track of the 'little ones'...
planning dinner, laying out a plan for world peace and so on....

Father taught us how to celebrate the waxing and waning of the seasons and seek out the miracles just waiting to be discovered in the garden.

My work refects the lessons learned from my 'first teachers', as Waldorf education has so eloquently noted-- and the wisdom at the root of the following quote has shaped many, many lives, including my own.......

If survival depended solely on the triumph of the strong then the species would perish.
So the real reason for survival, the principal factor in the 'struggle of existence,"
is the love of the adult for their young.
-Maria Montessori-

Your Mini Monday correspondent...



Blogger janina said...

welcome to the team sweetalyssum! You do beautiful work!

April 13, 2009 at 3:23 PM  

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